Release time:2020-08-21 Views:761
ERGON® Technique is an evidence-based therapeutic approach combining static and dynamic manipulations of the body's soft tissue with special clinical equipment for the treatment of neuro-musculoskeletal pathologies. The technique derives its name from the ancient Greek word 'ergon', which means 'the product of a man's work, be it manual or mental, scientific or artistic'.
The technique was created through applied research and long-term evaluation at the Human Evaluation and Rehabilitation Laboratory of the Physiotherapy Department of Technological Educational Institute of Western Greece.
ERGON® Technique is an innovative development of older IASTM approaches (GUA SHA, GRASTON technique, SMART TOOLS technique, Tools assisted massage technique etc.) and is based on the myofascial meridians theory as first described by Thomas Myers.
The ERGON® Soft Tissue Techniques are applied on specific points of tissue restrictions and fascial adhesions along the fascial meridians; when these are released, functionality improves within a few treatment sessions.