Fascial Manipulation® Courses

Release time:2020-08-11 Views:2754

General Information

Fascia was defined at the First Fascia Research Congress as "the soft-tissue component of the connective tissue system that permeates the human body, forming a whole-body continuous three-dimensional matrix of structural support. It interpenetrates and surrounds all organs, muscles, bones, nerve fibers and vasculature, creating a unique environment for body systems functioning.

The Italian Fascial Manipulation, an innovative assessment and diagnosis system, proposes a biomechanical model of the human body and a new anatomical area division, which defines the human body into 14 segments according to the spatial direction and simplifies movement, for medical treatment and rehabilitation. The leading concept from the motor unit to the myofascial unit, develops a special evaluation scale and a complete system of evaluation standard.

There are 4 levels in general:

Level I – Hybrid course(15 hours recorded online lecture+4 days onsite)

Level I focuses on anatomy, physiology, biomechanical model, evaluation and treatment. 6 myofascial sequences and points termed Centers of Coordination closely related to various dysfunctions of the locomotor system will be introduced. Youll be able to evaluate common musculoskeletal dysfunctions such as cervicalgia, shoulder pain, back pain, tennis elbow, carpal tunnel syndrome, sciatica, plantar fasciitis, ankle insatiability, acute and chronic pain etc. Completion of level one allows access to level 2.

Level II Hybrid course(15 hours recorded online lecture+4 days onsite)

Based on Level 1, The second level deals with the anatomy and function of the fascial retinacula that is responsible for complex movements, Evaluation and treatment of these complex movements require knowledge of additional areas known as Centers of Fusion. 4 diagonals and spirals will be introduced. At the end of the course the participants will be able to improve their reasoning ability, and to treat musculoskeletal dysfunctions. The completion of the second level course allows access to the third level course.

Level 3  5 daysOnsite

In the the third level, youll learn the anatomy, physiology and histology of internal fascia. New concepts of organ fascia unit and the three internal fascia sequences: visceral sequence, vascular sequence and glandular sequence. In level 3, well be able to improve internal dysfunction by treating points on the the locomotor system, including dysmenorrhea, bloating, diarrhea, insomnia, postpartum related pain etc.    

Level 4 4 daysOnsite

Level 4 emphasizes more on superficial fascia treatment and global treatment. Well see the the anatomy and physiology of superficial fascia and the treatment of superficial fascia related dysfunctions. New concepts of quadrants and system will be introduced. Including the lymphatic immune system, adipose metabolic system, dermo-thermoregulation system and neuropsychological system. Learning Level 4 will complete your knowledge and understanding of fascia manipulation, and to treat superficial fascia related dysfunctions like edema, allergies, autoimmune dysfunction, immune deficiencydermatitis etc.


Exclusive Provider in China, including Hong Kong and Macau:

Guangzhou Bicom Kinetic Medicine Co., Ltd

Room 301-304Builing B4Hengda Industrial Park, Luopu Street, Pnayu District, Guangzhou, China.

Contact info:

Jessie Li

Tel&Wechat: +86 18145720009


For more information please refer to our official website: 







图从左起为:Carla SteccoLuigi SteccoAntonio Stecco


1. Level 1混合课程(15小时线上录播课程+4天线下课程)

学习筋膜的解剖学、生理学、生物力学模型、评估与治疗,介绍6条肌筋膜序列和协调中心CC点,学完可了解大部分肌骨疼痛问题的治疗思路:如常见颈肩腰腿疼痛、网球肘、腕管综合征、下背痛、坐骨神经痛、足底筋膜炎、踝关节不稳、急慢性疼痛等。Level 1 学习完成后可进阶Level 2 课程学习。

2. Level 2混合课程(15小时线上录播课程+4天线下课程)

level 1的基础上,Level 2的学习将主要集中于负责复杂运动的筋膜支持带,评估和治疗复杂运动功能障碍需要学习新的融合中心CF点概念,并学习4条对角线和螺旋链,拓展治疗思路,学习完成后可针对肌骨疼痛问题做出思路判断,形成治疗方案。Level 2学习完成后可进行Level 3学习。

3. Level 3课程(4天线下)

Level 3 课程将介绍内脏筋膜的解剖、生理、组织学特点,了解“器官-筋膜单元”和“三大内脏筋膜序列——脏器序列、管性序列、腺体序列”,通过施治体表,改善内部脏器功能障碍,例如痛经、胃胀、腹泻、失眠、产后相关疼痛

4. Level 4课程(4天线下)





Jessie Li

电话: +86 18145720009微信同号

